A resilience programme that actually works.

“The frameworks WITHIN teaches apply to every human interaction. I am a better collaborator, innovator, and facilitator (not to mention colleague, spouse, friend and daughter!) for taking part. This programme is a breath of fresh air. Through taking part, I felt closer to my colleagues than ever before. It made me feel safe, heard, and valued at my workplace. It has been the most impactful career development tool.”

Olivia Verheyen, Senior Consultant, C Space

Our resilience programmes deliver measurable impact:

  • Improves Resilience and Wellbeing by leveraging the power of meaningful social connection.

  • Increases Retention by increasing feelings of belonging and helping people feel heard. 

  • Strengthens Relationships through a tried and tested, group-based approach.

  • Sustains Impact over time by embedding practice in ongoing groups. 

“I felt connected to others at work in a way I haven't in my ten years at C Space. The programme offered me a meaningful sense of connection to colleagues that I have never experienced before.”

VP, Client Services, C Space

Improving employee connection & wellbeing in a hybrid workplace

Shifting ways of working in a post-pandemic world were leading to stress, more mental health leaves and significant attrition at fast-moving, professional services agency, C Space (part of Interbrand and Omnicom).

They had already implemented a variety of programmes to foster a stronger culture of wellbeing - mental health days, yoga, resilience trainers, mental health first-aiding, wellness stipends and access to wellbeing apps. But they weren’t having the desired impact on people within the business.

Three cohorts of 50 employees each participated in a programme that combined teaching (emotional literacy, honest and inclusive talking, dealing with emotions, empathic listening) and a chance to practice key techniques that led to real therapeutic benefits.

Participants were then coached to set up their own small groups which met weekly during and after the program to sustain its impact

Participants ranged from C-Suite leaders through to junior team members (from all departments and geographies), to build break down silos.


  • A 7% improvement in retention of participants compared to those who didn’t take part led to $70k of savings in recruitment costs.

  • Significant positive changes in wellbeing (measured on the WHO5 wellbeing scale).

  • Reduction in depressive symptoms in those who registered as depressed at the start (PHQ9 scale).

  • 6 months later, a majority of participants reported using strategies from the programme in their personal and professional lives, with many still meeting in informal small group sessions.

  • Won ‘Best New Mental Health Initiative’ at the 2023 InsideOut Awards.

  • Shortlisted for ‘Best Targeted Mental Health Initiative’ at Allen & Overy’s This Can Happen Awards, which celebrate excellence in workplace mental health.


  • We run an award-winning programme that strengthens relationships and builds resilience by teaching emotional literacy, honest and inclusive talking, and how to listen really well.

  • The underlying method has proved effective for 2,500+ participants over the last 8 years in community and employee groups commissioned by the NHS and run by Talk For Health. 

  • The programme won ‘Best Long Term Impact’at the Mental Health & Wellbeing Awards in 2022. WITHIN has exclusive rights worldwide to deliver it to corporate clients.

Sign up for a free Connection Masterclass to:

  • Unlearn 3 unhelpful habits that get in the way of connecting well with others

  • Learn powerful techniques that build trust and psychological safety fast

  • Connect with leaders and peers from adjacent industries